The following are the leading stories in Maltese newspapers on Friday. 

The Times of Malta and the Malta Independent lead with a court report on the ongoing proceedings against Joseph Muscat, Keith Schembri, Konrad Mizzi and others, with the auditor general testifying that agreements were signed to soften conditions for Vitals. 

The Times also highlights the death of Nicky Sansone, who was terminally ill, but inspired people in the last days of her life with her positivity. Sansone previously made headlines for throwing a party to celebrate her life shortly after being told she did not have long to live. She is also remembered for her activism within the LGBTIQ community. 

The Independent separately reports on Bernard Grech filing an appeal to get the state advocate to chase for the €400 million from Steward Healthcare. 

 L-orrizzont leads with Jason Micallef being given a new role within the Labour Party - special delegate on the implementation of the electoral manifesto - just a few days after dropping out of the race for deputy leader for party affairs. 

It also reports how Irish airline Aer Lingus is set to offer direct flights to Ireland from Malta. 

In-Nazzjon features calls from the PN for Minister Byron Camilleri to resign amid what they say is the chaos reigning in his ministry amid allegations of a widespread ID card racket at Identita. 

It also carried a story that said Robert Abela was forced to eat his words on Jason Micallef, as he has been given a party position despite Abela's coolness towards his candidacy for the deputy leader role. 

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