The following are the stories making the front pages of Malta's newspapers. 

Times of Malta leads with a revelation in court that a suspect accused of involvement in the benefits fraud racket was arrested in a bar while he was supposed to be working at a ministry. The newspaper also reports concerns by bikers that traffic has become increasingly dangerous, and the number of victims is growing. 

The Malta Independent leads with criticism by the Audit Office of poor government planning in Gozo, which saw works on a road in Nadur go over budget by €10.5 million. It also reports that a court dismissed a case instituted by ADPD, which claimed discrimination in the mechanism for the allocation of parliamentary seats following the last general elections. 

l-orizzont says a government decision to allow the GWU to allocate part of its premises to commercial organisations was 'a victory for the workers'. The offices are sited on government-owned land in Valletta. It also reports that the Central Bank has made an upward revision of economic growth.

In-Nazzjon says culture minister Owen Bonnici, a former justice minister, did not know what the prime minister was referring to when he spoke on a reform of how magisterial inquiries are ordered. It also reports that a former police inspector has won damages of €20,000 after the police commissioner was convicted of illegally issuing a warrant for his arrest. 

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