These are the stories making headlines in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta leads with former minister Justyne Caruana getting a €78,000-a-year advisory job within the public sector to work 30 hours a week.

The newspaper also reports on Ridley Scott’s side remark at a public event that people should not visit Malta on holiday.

The Malta Independent leads with Jason Azzopardi’s request for a probe into a Gozo roadworks project that blew past its budget. Azzopardi alleges that a €700,000 bribe was paid as part of the project, the newspaper says.

The newspaper also gives prominence to Luca Zarb’s athletic feat of having completed seven marathons in seven days in aid of Hospice Malta.

L-Orizzont reports that new apartments in London to be used by relatives of Maltese people obtaining medical treatment there will be furnished with items made by prisoners at Corradino Correction Facility.

The newspaper also notes that 47 years have passed since Karin Grech was killed.

In-Nazzjon also leads with news about prisoners making furniture for Puttinu Cares apartments in the UK.

The newspaper also gives prominence to Ridley Scott’s comments about Malta.

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