The following are the stories that have made the front pages of Malta's daily newspapers on the last day of 2024.

Times of Malta reports how former minister Jason Azzopardi has asked a magistrate to probe deals by the Lands Authority. It also reports on the death of popular singer Joe Grech, Malta's first representative at the Eurovision Song Contest.

The Malta Independent leads with the death of former US President Jimmy Carter, described as an 'extraordinary man' by President Joe Biden.

Carter's death is also the top story in In-Nazzjon. It also reports that Malta has been described as a transhipment hub for drugs. In a third story it reports a PN statement about the government having raked up a record national debt.

l-orizzont says Id-Dar tal-Providenza needs €7 million a year. The home for persons with disabilities will hold fund-raising events on new year's day. The newspaper also reports that Malta has handed the chairmanship of the OSCE to Switzerland.

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