The police arrest of eight men in connection with the drugs heist from an AFM barracks tops the front pages of all the daily newspapers except In-Nazzjon, which leads with remarks by Bernard Grech that the PN remains the only shield for the people's defence. 

Times of Malta and The Malta Independent also give prominence to the move by former prime minister Joseph Muscat to drop a libel case over a claim that he 'blew up' Daphne Caruana Galizia. The decision followed a declaration by the defence. 

Times of Malta also reports that two footballers have been given a life ban for a match-fixing attempt in Gozo. 

MaltaToday says the prime minister has continued to defend Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri, who has not pressed his offer to resign. The leader of the opposition has insisted the minister must go after the AFM drugs heist.

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