The following are the top stories in Malta’s newspapers on Tuesday.

Times of Malta leads with the news that beverage companies have started raising their prices in response to a controversial hike in administrative fees imposed by the Beverage Container Refund Scheme.

The newspaper also reports that the driver who hit and killed a Danish tourist over a year ago will finally be charged in court just weeks after the victim’s father had publicly complained the authorities had left him in the dark about the case.

In-Nazzjon leads with a call for Home Affairs minister Byron Camilleri to resign adding that if he does not leave of his own free will, Prime Minister Robert Abela should sack him.

The Malta Independent also dedicates its front page to the Opposition’s motion of no confidence in Camilleri. The paper further reports that the Standards Commissioner has asked Abela to publish his declaration of assets and those of his ministers

L-Orizzont leads with the news that urgent family leave has increased by four days.

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