The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Friday.
All newspapers lead with the news that Yorgen Fenech walked out of prison on Thursday on bail, five years after being charged with complicity in the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Times of Malta also reports that notary Tommy Vella has been jailed for seven years and fined €150,000 after admitting to misappropriating money from 85 clients.
The Malta Independent meanwhile reports that the prime minister has continued to refuse to publish the ministers' asset declarations.
In-Nazzjon marks the 91st birthday of its former leader, prime minister and president of the republic Eddie Fenech Adami.
The newspaper also refers to a press conference on Thursday during which the PN accused the government of “squandering” money on projects that do not come to fruition while the public “struggles to make ends meet”.
L-orizzont refers to comments by GWU's Josef Bugeja who on Thursday told a conference that European trade unions were instrumental in the drafting of a directive on wage transparency.