The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Wednesday.

Times of Malta leads with details of a draft report on changes to electoral boundaries being considered by the Electoral Commission. It also reports how a young Italian tourist was hospitalised after falling off a balcony The incident has been linked to domestic violence. 

The Malta Independent highlights the result of a survey among SMEs. Respondents expressed concern over employee shortages, unfair competition and late payments. It also reports that the PN has claimed discrimination among employees of Transport Malta. 

MaltaToday says a LESA official was suspended over bribery allegations. In court, bail was granted to a police sergeant accused of leaking information and a gym owner accused of bribery.

L-orizzont says 5,000 skill cards have been issued to third-country nationals engaged by the hotel and restaurant sector.  It also says that the National Audit Office has dismissed PN allegations about the Malta Film Commission. 

In-Nazzjon says that according to the survey by the Chamber of SMEs, 76% of businesses believe that the country is heading in the wrong direction.

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