These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Friday.

Times of Malta leads with a closer look at how the government intends to revise the current system of magisterial inquiries.

It also reports that a man accused of chopping a body up, placing it in a suitcase and dumping it at sea is now also being charged with murdering the man.

The Malta Independent writes that citizens will be first required to report alleged crimes to the police before requesting a magisterial inquiry under the proposed reform.

It also gives prominence to a Chamber of Commerce proposal to cut Malta’s parliament down to 45 MPs.

L-Orizzont splashes with a large “reforms of magisterial inquiries”  and also gives prominence to a deal struck between the government and doctors to avert a strike.

In-Nazzjon reports on PN statements about the government’s failure to keep local police stations open.  It also reports on the proposed magisterial inquiry changes, saying the government intends to “deny people the right of opening magisterial inquiries.”

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