The following are the leading stories in Malta's newspapers on Tuesday.
Times of Malta reports on how the Attorney General has refused to publish the 17 Black inquiry report, denying a request by Opposition leader Bernard Grech, his predecessor Simon Busuttil and MEP David Casa.
Casa said he had been informed that he would not be handed a copy of the report due to "eventual prosecution of those accused."
It also leads with a comment from Isabelle Bonnici, mother of construction victim Jean Paul Sofia, who has questioned the government’s decision to no longer require builders to be on construction sites full-time.
The Malta Independent also leads with a report on the AG declining to publish the 17 Black inquiry.
It separately reports on the veterinary regulation directorate saying that legal action will be taken against those responsible for keeping four lions and a leopard in poor conditions on a Naxxar farm.
In-Nazzjon's front page is mainly focused on the 17 Black inquiry, publishing two statements, one from Opposition leader Bernard Grech and another from shadow ministers Darren Carabott and Claudette Buttigieg, which both insist that the AG should publish the inquiry report in full.
It separately reports on a statement from the MCAST students union which once again called for an agreement to be reached in the ongoing dispute between the college lecturers and the Education Ministry.
L-Orrizont leads with a report on how the government scheme which subsidised the employment of a carer at a home has been increased by €500, bringing the total up to €8,500 a year.