The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Wednesday.

All newspapers lead with news that Alejandro Brincat, 25, died when the car he was driving jumped a crash barrier in Attard and smashed into a tree and a signpost late on Monday.

Times of Malta also reports on its front page that environmental activists and the Opposition expressed their shock at former Planning Authority CEO Johann Buttigieg’s reappointment.

The Malta Independent meanwhile reports that Buttigieg officially found out about his appointment as PA CEO through the media. 

MaltaToday leads with data showing that applications for planning permits increased by 12% for 2024.

In-Nazzjon publishes comments by PN leader Bernard Grech who insisted that the Attorney General should publish the 17 Black inquiry. 

L-orizzont focuses on the government's presentation of the island's plan for energy and climate to the European Commission.

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