The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Friday.

Times of Malta leads with news that Edward Scicluna has no intention of resigning from his Central Bank Governor role after a court decided on Wednesday he will be facing trial in connection with the hospitals' scandal.

It also reports that one in four people in Malta knows someone who took or accepted a bribe, according to a Eurobarometer survey showing that a quarter of the population also thinks “everyone knows about these cases and no one reports them”.

The Malta Independent meanwhile reports that a notice in the Government Gazette is set to announce that Scicluna will no longer be occupying his post on the MFSA’s Board of Directors.

The newspaper - and similarly L-orizzont - report that Glenn Micallef, who stepped down as the prime minister's head of secretariat last month, is to be nominated as Malta's next European Commissioner.

In-Nazzjon also carries an article about Scicluna, noting that Opposition leader Bernard Grech has asked Speaker Anġlu Farrugia to recall parliament to discuss his position after he refused to resign as governor of the Central Bank.

L-orizzont separately reports that the GWU registered an industrial dispute with Wasteserv.

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