The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Sunday.

The Sunday Times of Malta reports that Robert Abela's leadership of the Labour Party is under scrutiny after the party received 'a bloody note' in the EP and local council elections.

The newspaper also runs an interview with Roberta Metsola on the local situation and her prospects for a second term as president of the European Parliament.  

MaltaToday says the local council results have given hope to the PN, but Castille is still a long way off. It also says the Planning Authority is still analysing feedback from an ODZ policy change, four years on.

The Malta Independent says records were broken as nearly all the swing localities went against Labour last Saturday.

It-Torċa quotes newly elected Labour MEP Daniel Attard saying that Labour's strength is in its people. It also carries an initial analysis of the election results by pollster Vincent Marmara.

KullĦadd quotes outgoing Labour deputy leader Daniel Micallef saying the electorate conveyed various messages in the elections a week ago. The prime minister said Labour needs to present a new version of itself. 

Il-Mument leads with a big picture of Bernard Grech advertising this morning's PN rally with the headline - Let us grow a new majority.

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