The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Tuesday.

Times of Malta reports how a juvenile court suggested that parliament may consider reducing the age of consent. The call was made as the court heard a case of defilement involving a boy aged 15 and a girl aged 14. 

The newspaper also reports how a fourth attempt is being made for the Planning Authority to permit a large old people's home in an area outside the development zone in Għarb. 

The Malta Independent reports that the Justice Minister is not willing to say if the Attorney General should be present for the Vitals court sittings. Like Times of Malta, it also reports that drug trafficking suspect 'Lilu King' was fined €10,000 over an altercation with police officers. 

L-orizzont says the principle of equal pay for work of equal value is to be extended to the private sector. 

In-Nazzjon says Robert Abela has confirmed fraud in cancer care. The story is based on findings of the Vitals inquiry about €6.6m handed to a company for cancer equipment. No one knows what happened to the funds. 

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