The following are the main stories in Sunday's newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta leads with news that the government is planning the development of a large convention centre, with plans to expand MFCC in Ta’ Qali being considered the most suitable option.

The newspaper also reports that the PN’s new secretary general believes the party has a 90% chance of winning the next election if it unites and “pulls the same rope”.

The Malta Independent on Sunday publishes comments by minister Julia Farrugia who said Cabinet has approved a public consultation period for a five-year National Strategy for the Voluntary Sector.

Separately, architects who spoke with the Independent believe that updating local plans will provide an excellent opportunity to rethink urban planning in Malta.

Malta Today meanwhile leads with an article on how the continued refusal of a forensic accountant to testify about his report in the Vitals inquiry risks weakening the prosecution’s case against Joseph Muscat and others.

The newspaper separately sought comments from business leaders familiar with the manufacturing and supply chain logistics to understand how companies are coping in a world upended by Donald Trump.

Kullħadd claims the PN is split over Karol Aquilina's clash with Speaker Anglu Farrugia.

il-Mument prints a photo of its protest last Sunday, headlined "change has started being felt".

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