The following are the main stories in Sunday's newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta leads with news that Malta has offered itself as a mediator for peace talks between Russia and Ukraine in the wake of a shocking public row between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky.

The newspaper also publishes comments by Malta’s prison boss who told Times of Malta he does not agree with solitary confinement and would abolish it altogether if he had the power to change the law.

The Malta Independent on Sunday meanwhile reports that minister for the arts Owen Bonnici defended PBS against allegations of bias and dismissed criticism of the film industry, saying that the country is moving in the right direction.

Malta Today reports that Planning Authority CEO Johann Buttigieg has promised to introduce a reform that will pause work on projects appealed by NGOs and other groups for four months.

The newspaper also reports the Maltese are among the top consumers of seaweed.

Illum publishes observations on how former prime minister Joseph Muscat recently secured support from Robert Abela. 

It-Torċa reports that Jeremy Harbinson's company was paid before it started working on the hospitals' deal inquiry.

KullHadd meanwhile published an article claiming that the police's success in the drug heist investigation has bothered the PN.

il-Mument publishes a photo of justice minister Jonathan Attard, prime minister Robert Abela, home affairs minister Byron Camilleri and Gozo minister Clint Camilleri behind prison bars. Underneath, a headline reads: 'Caught under the people's watch'. 

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