The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.

Times of Malta leads with news that Jean Claude Micallef has resigned as CEO of the sports integrity authority just three months after he was appointed.  

The newspaper also reports that the police have increased surveillance after a spate of thefts from private residents were caught on camera last week. 

The Malta Independent meanwhile reports that three students and a lecturer have been charged with hacking Malta’s largest student app FreeHour, more than two years after they reported security vulnerabilities to the company.

Separately, the Independent reports that the FAA has slammed the master plan for Gozo's St George's Square.

In-Nazzjon also reports on Micallef's resignation, while, in a separate piece, it publishes an invitation by PN leader Bernard Grech to the public to join the party in protest against the government on Sunday.

L-orizzont publishes comments by former prime minister Alfred Sant who is calling for a genuine and urgent debate on Malta's neutrality.

The newspaper also reports that the EU would need 350billion euros to build the necessary military defence. 

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