The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Friday. 

The Times of Malta, The Malta Independent and In-Nazzjon all lead with coverage of a report published by the Standards Commissioner yesterday, which found that Minister Clayton Bartolo and Clint Camilleri breached ethics when they allowed for Bartolo's girlfriend at the time - now his wife - to be transferred to the Gozo Ministry on a lucrative salary. 

The report found that Bartolo and Camilleri abused their power and misspent funds when they allowed for Amanda Muscat to land a €68,000 job with no expertise in the field. The report also found that Muscat seldom did any work for her role as a consultant. 

Both ministers have blamed their heads of secretariat for Muscat's employment. 

The Malta Independent also features a reaction from the Malta Entertainment and Arts Association, who said that Malta's 2025 budget has once again fallen short of providing a holistic and long-term plan for the cultural sector in Malta.

In-Nazzjon separately carries on its front page a reaction to the Minister's girlfriend's job scandal from Opposition leader Bernard Grech, who said that if the two ministers do not resign than Prime Minister Robert Abela should sack them. 

L-Orizzont leads with a report on Prime Minister Robert Abela's speech given at a summit in Budapest, where he said that irregular migration is a common challenge being faced by all European nations. 

It also reports on how the MCESD has begun discussing the government's Vision 2050 document. 

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