The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Tuesday.

Times of Malta reports that customers of a Malta-based electronic money institution say they have been unable to access their funds for several days.

Times of Malta and The Malta Independent  also focus on court testimony in the driving licences scandal, and how a Labour canvasser put people in touch with a Transport Malta official.

The Independent in a second story quotes the animal welfare commissioner saying the success of new zoo regulations hinges on enforcement. 

In-Nazzjon highlights a meeting which a PN delegation had with the Chamber of Commerce. Opposition leader Bernard Grech said a PN government would be completely free to address problems facing businesses.

L-orizzont, meanwhile, gives prominence to a meeting that a government delegation had with the General Workers Union in preparation for the Budget. Prime Minister Robert Abela said the government would continue to address new realities caused by a growing economy. 

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