The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with news that the delay in setting up a road safety bureau, proposed by the government in 2022 amid a record number of fatal accidents, has been put down to the judiciary’s hesitancy to share the contents of magisterial inquiries.

The newspaper also publishes an interview with the Malta Chamber’s CEO Marthese Portelli, who is warning that the island's economy is overheating and the time for incremental changes has passed.

The Malta Independent leads with comments by Speaker Anglu Farrugia who believes Malta has too many MPs.

The newspaper also reports that Michael Piccinino said he would be stepping down as PN general secretary to contest the next general election.

In-Nazzjon leads with comments by PN leader Bernard Grech who on Sunday told supporters the party will fight to ensure a secure future.

It also reports the party will start the process for a new general secretary in the coming weeks.

L-orizzont leads with comments by Robert Abela who pledged to fight unfounded allegations. 

The newspaper separately reports that a man was on Sunday jailed for three years over drug trafficking.

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