The Dominican community of Vittoriosa is celebrating the end of the Triple Jubilee of St Thomas Aquinas on January 27 and 28.
During the past two years, the Dominican Order around the world commemorated the 700th anniversary of the canonisation of St Thomas, as well as his 750th death anniversary. The saint’s 800th birth anniversary is being marked this year.
This jubilee also comes with the special grace of plenary indulgence.
Aquinas lecture
The annual ‘Aquinas lecture’ is being held on January 27 at 7pm at the Dominican convent in Vittoriosa. Rev. Dr Alan J. Adami will deliver the lecture.
Pontifical mass
On January 28, the feast of St Thomas Aquinas, the church of the Annunciation and St Dominic in Vittoriosa will celebrate the end of the jubilee.
Pontifical high mass will be said by Mgr George Frendo, OP, Archbishop Emeritus of Tirana-Durres, Albania, at 6.15pm. Mass will end with the Te Deum.