A turtle nest has been discovered at Golden Bay, Majjistral Park administrators said on Saturday.

It is the first such nest discovered in 2024 so far.

The nest was discovered by Nature Trust volunteers during a routine morning patrol. It is not known how many eggs are believed to be in it.

Volunteers from Nature Trust and the Wildlife Rescue Team will now coordinate to cordon off the area and keep watch of the nest until the eggs hatch. In a statement, the Environment and Resources Authority said it would issue an Emergency Conservation Order for the area. 

It urged members of the public to act responsibility and avoid excessive noise, trampling and light close to the area. 

Anyone interested in volunteering to help monitor the nest can contact Nature Trust at turtle.naturetrust@gmail.com. 

Any observations of turtle activity can be reported to ERA by calling 22923500, Nature Trust on 21313150 or by contacting ERA through its customer care system.

Golden Bay – a popular sandy beach - falls within the confines of Majjistral Nature Park, a state-protected nature reserve in Malta’s northwest.

Turtle eggs tend to incubate for up to 70 days before hatching and eggs generally hatch at the same time. Hatchlings then work together to dig out of the nest before making their way to sea.

They make their way to the sea guided by natural light, using cues such as the reflection of moonlight or the stars in the sea. Artificial light sources can disorient hatchlings and send them in the wrong direction. Once in the sea, they must quickly swim to deeper waters, where they are safer than in shallow seas where predators abound.


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