Over the past century, leadership has been defined in various ways, evolving from early management theories to concepts of transformational and transactional leadership. For Dr Silvio De Bono, leadership is fundamentally about having a visionary approach. In his management teaching, he has coined the term "anticipatory leadership," which he defines as today's leader building the organization of tomorrow.

"Good leaders don't manage for today; they manage for tomorrow. They keep the horizon in mind," Dr De Bono explains. "There's a significant difference between managing and leading people. Management focuses on the present, while leadership is about shaping the future. When you lead, you're managing for tomorrow, so that tomorrow you can manage for the day after."

Dr De Bono shared these insights with IGNITE, an IDEA Group initiative featuring interviews with Malta's leading entrepreneurs.

He recounted how IDEA Group started from a small home office 20 years ago. The goal was to offer something different from the status quo. In achieving his vision, Silvio and his wife Natalie intentionally dedicated considerable time into the  planning and foundational phases before the focusing their  efforts into expanding the business to the multinational group it is today.

At the time, Malta's consultancy sector was dominated by a few traditional firms. The De Bonos began offering tailored services to clients in Malta and beyond. With the right vision, determination to succeed, and the right team, IDEA Group experienced exponential growth.

Through its consultancy and educational sectors (IDEA College), the group has extended its reach beyond Malta. IDEA College, with 1,300 students, is now Malta's largest private further education institution, offering a wide range of courses from certificates to a doctoral program in business administration.

This year marks IDEA Group's 20th anniversary. The company recently launched IDEA Care, offering personalized solutions for rehabilitation, respite care, senior wellness, dementia support, and services for persons with disabilities.

Dr De Bono describes himself as an energetic, dynamic, and visionary entrepreneur, constantly seeking innovative ideas to benefit society. He considers honesty, transparency, and commitment as the cornerstones of his management philosophy.

When hiring, Dr De Bono prioritizes honesty and commitment over academic credentials or expertise. He seeks individuals who, through their personal dedication, can motivate themselves and those around them.

Addressing the biggest challenge in people management, Dr De Bono emphasizes the difficulty of motivating, engaging, and empowering others to express their genuine thoughts rather than what they believe others want to hear. His open management philosophy encourages individuality, as he has no desire for employees who are mere extensions of himself.

"I don't want to be surrounded by yes-men. Anyone who agrees simply because I've requested something doesn't have a place in our organization," he asserts.

Regarding Malta's education sector, Dr De Bono advocates for greater emphasis on developing individual skills. He believes schools should focus not only on curriculum subjects but also on numeracy, financial literacy, and values. He stresses the importance of reigniting personal values, as professionals without strong personal values may lose focus, vision, and the right attitude.

On a broader scale, Dr De Bono highlights the need for responsible national spending and addressing global challenges such as climate change, which impacts both national economies and individuals.

His advice? "Be prepared to fail, but never give up. Don't just think big—dream big and start working within your own environment. If you try to swim in an ocean when you can barely swim, you risk drowning."

More IGNITE interviews will follow.

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