What’s on in Malta and Gozo – September 5

Highlights of events taking place on the Maltese islands today

September 5, 2022| Times of Malta 1 min read
A video grab of a series of contemporary dance classes for the community by ŻfinMalta, kicking off this month. Photo: Facebook/ŻfinMaltaA video grab of a series of contemporary dance classes for the community by ŻfinMalta, kicking off this month. Photo: Facebook/ŻfinMalta


Iżfen ma ŻfinMalta

ŻfinMalta’s 2022-23 season programme includes a new series of community evening classes. Held on Mondays at 6.30pm at the ŻfinMalta Studios in Valletta, these fun and accessible classes address the fundamental human need to move. 

Classes are open to participants over 18 years of age who are open to exploring the idea of movement from scratch. Individuals from all backgrounds and all levels of fitness and flexibility are invited to participate. 

Each month classes will alternate bet­­ween ballet and contemporary dance technique.

No previous experience of dance is expected. For more information, visit zfinmalta.org and the national dance company’s Facebook page.


Anime Festival

The Eden Cinemas in St Julian’s is hosting its first-ever Anime Festival, showing feature-length films of some of the most popular anime series of all time, including Dragon Ball Z, Demon Slayer and My Hero Academia.

All films are dubbed in English or are screened in Japanese with English subtitles.

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes is showing until tomorrow. My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising will be screened next.

For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page and the Eden Cinemas website.

<em>My Hero Academia: Two Heroes</em>My Hero Academia: Two Heroes


Wiki Loves Monuments 2022

Malta is once again taking part in Wiki Loves Monuments, the Guinness World Record holder for the largest photography competition, which has reached its seventh edition.

The competition brings together photographers from around the world to take stunning pictures of Malta’s cultural heritage, which are to be shared on Wikipedia. Participation is free and open to all. The deadline for all submissions is September 30.

Photo uploading workshops will be held throughout September.

A jury composed of experts within the fields of cultural heritage, photography and Wikipedia will be selecting the winning entries and 10 submissions will be nominated for the international Wiki Loves Monuments contest, with the opportunity to win further prizes.

For details, visit www.wikimalta.org and the Wikimedia Community Malta Facebook page.


Malta Pride Week

Malta Pride Week events continue this morning with a half-day seminar titled 'Diversity as Strength: Putting LGBTIQ Equality into Practice' at the InterContinental Malta in St Julian's. 

Drag act Dolly Diamond will later entertain the elderly at a private event at Casa Messina in Rabat at 5.30pm, while Patrick Ettenes, a 39-year-old with early onset dementia, will deliver a talk titled 'LGBTQ & Dementia: The Lived Experience' at Casa Arkati in Mosta at 6.30pm. The latter talk is open to the public for free but registration is needed.

In the evening, there will be an event organised by Drachma at the Leap Centre, in Vittoriosa. With Open Arms features bibliodrama, a creative and engaging activity in which episodes from the Bible are enacted by using imagination to understand better their proper significance and how they relate to contemporary society. No acting skills or experience are needed to participate in this activity, which is free of charge.

For more information, visit the Malta Pride Facebook page and maltapride.org.

Malta Pride Week runs until September 11.Malta Pride Week runs until September 11.

Talk on mortality, spirits and consciousness

The Society for Investigating the Credibility of Extraordinary Claims (SICEC) is organising a series of talks on Mondays until December.

The first talk, titled Mortality, Spirits and Consciousness, will see the group's chairperson, Vanni Pule', discuss the topic with podcaster and writer Ricky Caruana.

The event is being held today at 6.30pm in the main hall of the Volunteer Centre, at 181, Melita Street, Valletta.

Because of space limitations, if one is not a member of the society or a regular attendee but would like to join the discussion, they can send an e-mail to timmyzammit@onvol.net or call on 2142 3143.


Bellum in Mundum

After a seven-year hiatus, artist Tonio Mallia is presenting a new series of works that reimagine a world shaken beyond its tipping point, where the tensions between the human and natural world are no longer at play, nor are they creative or life-giving; they have devolved into a tyrannical order in which mankind becomes subject to its own freedoms.

The exhibition, curated by Giulia Privitelli, runs at MUŻA – Museum of Fine Arts in Valletta until September 11. For more information, visit muza.mt.

One may also read the Times of Malta interview with the artist.


A collective exhibition by more than 10 artists is on display at the Art by the Seaside gallery in Senglea until September 11.

These include Gabriel Spiteri, Trevor Diacono, Feng Hongzhao, Patrick Scicluna, Alison Agius, Ray Agius, Amber Fenech, Alexia Baldacchino, Edoardo La Francesca, David Debono and Chris Ebejer.

For opening hours and more information, visit the Facebook page of the gallery found at 65, Triq il-Mina, Senglea.

Some of the artworks on display at the exhibition <em>Disrobed </em>in Senglea. Photo: Facebook/Art by the SeasideSome of the artworks on display at the exhibition Disrobed in Senglea. Photo: Facebook/Art by the Seaside

Lost in the Ether

Nicole Sciberras Debono is presenting her first solo exhibition at Il-Kamra Ta' Fuq in Mqabba. 

The artist brings forward esoteric narratives of a domestic familiarity, with notes on online and para-social relationships, and the reflections of a young woman in a contemporary society.

The exhibition runs until September 12. Opening hours: Mondays to Saturdays from 6am to noon and on Sundays from 7am to noon. Evening hours are announced weekly on Il-Kamra ta' Fuq Facebook page.

Read the Times of Malta review here.

The Summer Showcase

Bureau Iniala, in collaboration with Marie Gallery 5, is presenting a curated selection of works by a number of local artists.

These are Paul Serri, Trevor Borg, Vince Briffa, Ryan Falzon, Victor Agius, Isabelle Borg, Stefan Spiteri, Sheldon Saliba and Joseph Farrugia.

The showcase aims to be a way for artists and collectors to enjoy works that do not necessarily fit within one collective narrative.

The Summer Showcase closes on September 22. One may visit the exhibition at Bureau Iniala, 37, Treasury Sreet, Valletta, from Monday to Friday between 10am and 4.30pm. For more information and updates, visit the Facebook page of Marie Gallery 5.

Read more about the exhibition in this Times of Malta interview.

<em>As Gozo As It Gets</em> (2022) by Ryan Falzon, one of the artists exhibiting at Bureau Inialia.As Gozo As It Gets (2022) by Ryan Falzon, one of the artists exhibiting at Bureau Inialia.

Tempus Edax Rerum 

Artist David Borg attempts to explore the representation of time and the thematic concept of the human condition through a series of woodcut prints on display at Gemelli Framing in Ta’ Qali. 

The exhibition, curated by Hannah Dowling, runs until September 24. 

For more information, visit the exhibition’s Facebook page.

Exhibition by art group Brushes

The artistic group Brushes is putting on its eighth exhibition at Palazzo Ferreria, 310, Republic Street, Valletta.

Artists Fabiola Agius Anastasi, Adrian Camilleri, John Caruana and Madeleine Vella Satariano are taking part.

The works on display include aquarelles and acrylics and varied themes.

The exhibition will be open until September 28. Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 1pm.

The Cappuccino Brigade

The ninth solo exhibition of Debbie Caruana Dingli is on display at the Palm Court Lounge of The Phoenicia, in Floriana.

Curated by Charlene Vella, the collection of watercolour works is based on the artist's observations of the native Maltese population and is named after one of the paintings on display whose heroine is a bossy woman, often pictured in the artist's colourful works.

The exhibition will be open throughout September.

Read an article by the curator here.

<em>Għar Lapsi</em> by Debbie Caruana DingliGħar Lapsi by Debbie Caruana Dingli

An Ode in Stone

An exhibition of limestone sculptures by artist Joe Xuereb has opened at The Phoenicia's Deep Nature Spa.

His rounded figures and forms represent universal shortcomings among humans such as greed, solitude and the entrapments of love. 

An Ode in Stone, curated by Louis Laganà, runs until the end of September.

Read the Times of Malta interview with the artist.

Amelia Saint George works at The Phoenicia

Artist Amelia Saint George is exhibiting a number of her sculptures at The Phoenicia, Floriana.

The sculptures are in clay, bronze and mixed media, and portray animals, which Saint George is particularly well-known for, as well as some humorous sculptures that are more closely associated with her portrait sculptures.

Saint George, who has made Valletta her home, is an established, award-winning contemporary sculptor who has exhibited locally and internationally. She is also the author of several books on diverse subjects and holds sculpting lessons in her Valletta studio.

One may view her works at The Phoenicia’s reception area until the end of September.

Dying Planet

Illustrator, designer and visual London-based artist ‘iella’ (Daniela Attard) is presenting a body of illustration work and paintings focusing on climate anxiety and existential dread at Spazju Kreattiv in Valletta.

The artworks on display focus on the global impact of climate change with some reference to local issues and include strange figurative work and characters which serve as modern allegories.

The exhibition runs until October 9. For more information, visit www.kreattivita.org

Willie Apap – Colour and Light 

A retrospective exhibition of works by Willie Apap (1918-1970), considered one of Malta’s leading exponents of 20th-century art, is currently on at Il-Ħaġar – Heart of Gozo Museum in Victoria.

The 70 works on display feature portraits, landscapes and still-lifes, dancers, human figures, sacred and ethnic works in oils and inks, and are accompanied by a lavish 100-page GEMS # 20 catalogue.

The exhibition, curated by Maria Cassar, runs until October 10. Opening hours are from Monday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm. Entrance is free.

The exhibition is supported by the Malta Tourism Authority and the Gozo Ministry’s Cultural Directorate. For more information, visit the museum’s Facebook page.

Read the Times of Malta interview with the exhibition's curator Maria Cassar here.

<em>Seated Female Looking at Window</em> by Willie ApapSeated Female Looking at Window by Willie Apap

Meet the Phoenicians of Malta

A Phoenician stone sarcophagus excavated last year at Għajn Klieb, on the outskirts of Rabat, is one of the major attractions of an exhibition that has opened at the National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta.

The exhibition brings to light the results of months of painstaking studies by a multidisciplinary team researching the sarcophagus and two other tombs discovered in the area, as well as their contents. The three tombs, although inherently different, shed light on the burial rituals of the earliest Phoenicians on the island.

The exhibition is open until October 30. The museum in Republic Street, Valletta, is open from Monday to Sunday from 9am to 4.30pm. Entrance to the exhibition is free of charge.

Dumnikani fil-Palazz: Home & Temple

A new exhibition at the Inquisitor's Palace in Vittoriosa tells of the special relationship between the palace and the neighbouring Dominican Order, especially in the post-war years.

Enemy war bombing in 1941 had left the Dominican community without a convent and a church, and they found temporary refuge beyond Vittoriosa. But they were called back by the need to fulfil their spiritual and educational mission among their people.

Eighty years ago, in August 1942, the Dominicans asked for temporary shelter at the Inquisitor’s Palace and, for almost two decades, the palace became the community’s home and temple.

The exhibition runs until January 8. The Inquisitor's Palace is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 4.30pm. 

The Inquisitor's Palace in Vittoriosa. Photo: Shutterstock.comThe Inquisitor's Palace in Vittoriosa. Photo: Shutterstock.com


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