On December 10 - Prize Day at St Monica School, Gzira - pupils were rewarded not only for academic achievement but also for showing other desirable qualities and abilities. Most importantly, effort and perseverance were recognised and lauded.

All the pupils appeared radiant and proud in their smart school uniforms. And all the teachers felt fulfilled as they watched their pupils being rewarded after so much hard work and effort by all parties involved.

This year's school motto is "Sow the seeds of respect and blossoms of love will grow". And that is what our pupils are learning to do most of all, by watching it done at all levels within the school, by experiencing it every day, with their teachers, with each other, within all the staff.

The musical at this year's Prize Day was Cinderella. Everyone knows the story but not everyone sees it as the struggle of a poor, downtrodden girl to find self-respect and respect from others. There is of course the magical pinch of help strewn shimmeringly by the fairy godmother; there is the incredible transformation of simple, common things like mice and a pumpkin into magnificent horses and a splendid carriage. In fact this musical was an apt choice for this year: nurturing respect with a 'pinch' of help changing these young ladies entrusted to us into complete, fulfilled, responsible individuals!

Joining in this year were the director of curriculum management at the Education Division, Ms Mary Vella, Mother Provincial Sr Miriam Grech, Fr Dominic V. Scerri, OP, as the Archbishop's delegate for education, Dr Frank Grima, EO for Church Schools, other Education Division officials, parents, school benefactors and friends.

The evening started off with a message of welcome by the head girl, Christina Mintoff, followed by the school choir, which is named after the official school motto - Quotidie Melius (better every day). The choir is directed by Ms Cynthia Formosa aided by Sr Doreen Mifsud.

Sr Margaret Vassallo, head of school, in her address updated those present on what is being done at the school as regards implementation of the National Minimum Curriculum, as well as new projects to be undertaken by the school.

As always, the pupils participating in Cinderella enjoyed themselves immensely during both rehearsals and performances. The musical was directed by Ms Emily Chircop aided by Sr Doreen Mifsud; the astounding artwork was done by Mr Ray Farrugia and Ms Carmen Xuereb; the costumes, including Cinderella's charming ballgown, were mostly created by parents/helpers, among them Mrs Carmen Borg.

Prizes were given to the pupils by Ms Mary Vella, who afterwards explained what the National Minimum Curriculum is all about and how it involves all areas which are important to the development of our children into complete adults. She also stated that 2003 will see great changes and that it is a year of training and instruction at all levels in educational institutions.

The pleasant evening came to an end with the singing of the national anthem.

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