Maltese children attending the European School in Luxembourg, together with their parents, participated in a socio-literary evening on December 14, held at the same school.

Poems and prose were read, and traditions connected to a Maltese Christmas were celebrated, including the famous scary ghost (babaw), the crib, the Christmas tree, baby Jesus' procession, and the real star which appeared in Malta in the 19th century.

To add a multi-cultural theme to the evening, children also sang Christmas carols in German, French, Italian, Latin, English and Maltese.

Pawlu Caruana and Yasmine Galea, who delivered the Christmas sermon, written by a Maltese teacher, were accompanied on musical instruments by Samira Caruana and Anastasia Megally.

Among readers and singers were students Liam Vella, Mitchel Galea, Tristen Bugeja, Barbara Scevola, Andrew and Gregory Izzo Clarke. Eugenie Megally, a Form 3 student, co-ordinated the evening, which ran smoothly.

Food and drink followed, including a delicious dish consisting of boiled chestnuts seasoned with chocolate powder (imbuljuta), typically Maltese, served hot at this time of year, which went down well, especially with the Maltese who were away from home.

The evening turned out to be a successful event, even though there was not much preparation. The children and their parents were satisfied and their happy faces shone, especially because this was the first time a Maltese Christmas was celebrated at this school, where Maltese is being taught for the first time.

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