An award-winning power-saving device for PC has been launched by Innovative Solutions. The 'ecobutton' provides a tangible way of saving wasted energy from PC use that can clearly make a difference to power usage and help reduce carbon footprint and bills.

The ecobutton is illuminated and sits on the table or desktop next to the keyboard. It connects to the computer through a USB cable and sets the PC to sleep when the button is clicked. A small application is downloaded from In the application, price of electricity is entered, as well as monitor type and size. These figures would equate to the user's savings. Each time users take a short or long break, take a phone call or go for a meeting, they simply press the ecobutton and the computer is put into the most efficient energy-saving mode available.

There is also an additional bonus as each time the computer is put into 'ecomode', the ecobutton software records how many carbon units and how much power and money has been saved.

"The device is unique in that it rewards you each time you use it, showing you how much you've saved," said Steve Alamango, director of Innovative Solutions. "It acts as a strong visual reminder and prompts for you to save electricity each time your computer is going to be left idle."

Computers and monitors can account for half of the electricity used in a typical office. A single monitor left switched on overnight can use the same energy as a laser printer producing 800 A4 printed copies. A business having 100 PC stations can save approximately €6,000 annually if its computers are switched on ecobotton's 'ecomode' for three hours a day.

The device is available both for domestic and corporate use and is available at authorised re-sellers. It may also be branded and used as an effective marketing tool.

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