Works have finished on the airport taxiway upgrading programme, intended to facilitate the taxiing sequence of all aircraft.

Since the main runway does not have a parallel taxiway, the more time an aircraft spends taxiing the less time available for landing and take-off.

The project started in February when extensive parts of the taxiway pavement were extended and re-paved, while all taxiway lighting services were replaced.

To ensure the continuity of operations, a significant part of the work was done at night, whenever possible diverting aircraft to the shorter runway.

During the works, due consideration was given to minimising the inconvience to residents in nearby communities, particularly Gudja, the Malta International Airport said.

Taxiways C and D returned to service on Monday, with Air Malta Flight KM 418 being the first aircraft to use the upgraded taxiway system at 9 a.m.

The Taxiway upgrading project is partly financed under the EU's TEN-T programme.

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