An exquisite but abandoned old house on Sliema's Tower Road may be restored and converted into a bank if the project receives the planning authority's go-ahead.

Lombard Bank has applied to convert the landmark house, practically the only two-storey edifice still standing on the Sliema seafront, into a branch.

If given the go-ahead, Lombard says it will conserve the late 19th century building to retain its architectural qualities.

The project to restore the house, which is scheduled and falls within an urban conversation area, has been recommended for approval by Mepa's case officer. In fact, Lombard Bank has big plans for the Sliema house and wants to turn it into its flagship branch.

The bank's policy with regard to the restoration of its period buildings was one of maximum respect towards the structures, a spokesman said.

The conservation would be carried out by professionals, commissioned to undertake such works to the highest possible standards, he added.

He insisted that the bank's proposed changes to the building were "limited" and would entail "minimum intervention".

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