The Das Maltese Kruizers (DMK) is organising a static car show today from 9am to 4pm in the car park opposite Marley’s in Baħar iċ-Ċaghaq.
DMK is an informal group of enthusiasts crazy about old VWs, mainly the air-cooled variety and campers. However, it is not the first group of VW enthusiasts in Malta. There was a VW club in existence in the early 1960s that catered primarily for Beetle owners.
Another club was formed in 1997, called VDubs Club (Malta) but it disbanded in the mid-noughties. A few of the air-cooled enthusiasts stayed in touch and held informal activities from time to time.
From this group of friends emerged the Das Maltese Kruizer as it exists today, in 2005. It currently includes about 250 enthusiasts who meet regularly to enjoy their rides together and to socialise.
Besides enjoying their VWs, DMK members also share technical knowledge and help each other out wherever possible to ensure that these endearing machines are preserved for the enjoyment of future generations.
The club also takes an active part in shows in aid of various charitable initiatives, such as the immensely successful Paqpaqli Għall-Istrina, now in its seventh year and which, last year collected circa €150,000 for the Malta Community Chest Fund.
Another popular charity among DMK members is Puttinu Cares. On one occasion, club members participated in a day drive with other car clubs where children could choose a car of their pre-ference to be taken to various entertainment venues.
DMK aims to have around 50 vehicles on show during the event. Members of the public visiting the show will be invited to vote for the cars they like. At the end of the show, votes cast will be counted and trophies presented to the best cars.