KPMG has appointed Alex Azzopardi, Claude Ellul, Simon Xuereb, Giselle Borg and Sarah Camilleri as directors, reflecting the continued growth expected to be sustained in the coming years.

Mr Azzopardi joined KPMG Malta in 2005 and joined the risk consulting advisory team in 2013, while Mr Ellul joined KPMG’s audit function in 2003 and specialised in the financial services sector, in the banking segment in particular.

Mr Xuereb rejoined KPMG in 2011 following a brief absence and has been actively involved in private client and global mobility services offering leading a multi-disciplinary team. He currently chairs the high-net worth migration working group for KPMG.

Ms Borg works in the audit department with an industry focus on insurance and pensions and brings over 12 years of experience. She was seconded to KPMG London and works closely within the KPMG network in servicing multi-national clients. Ms Camilleri joined KPMG’s Advisory Department in 2013, to drive the investment service and funds’ offering.

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