This weekend Baħrija celebrates the feast of St Martin of Tours with a big fair attracting people from all overthe island.

Il-Fiera ta’ San Martin, as it is locally known, is a traditional event dating back at least a hundred years, when the Maltese used to visit the small village to play games and win a lamb or a rabbit.

The fair has now evolved into a feast of agriculture, traditions and entertainment for all the family.

This year the feast is also focusing on celebrating good food, with dishes and treats available on site together with local wine.

On Sunday at 11.30am, a young St Martin of Tours, dressed in full Roman General costume, will walk with the people present along the church grounds.

At 3.30pm the older version, dressed as a bishop of Tours, will visit the fair.

One may also take in a display of religious icons in the old chapel.

A national record attempt will be made for the greatest ‘borża ta’ San Martin’ (a bag containing nuts and fruits), expected to weigh in at over 500kg. Traditional bags will also be on sale. A second national record attempt will be made for the highest flying kite.

Those attending can choose to take in a rabbit show or a fancy poultry competition and show. Chestnuts will be roasted and stalls selling artisanal Maltese produce will abound. Pony rides will be offered to the children who can also enjoy a dedicated area set up with a bouncing castle, trampoline and merry go round. The stage will host live music and various local talent.

A dedicated coffee area will offer up a traditional take on tea and coffee, slices of the unique Torta ta’ San Martin, qagħaq tal-għasel (honey rings) and a selection of other homemade sweets.

The fair also promises visitors the chance to win a number of prizes, including household goods, alcohol, hampers and vouchers for lamb, rabbit, turkey and beef.


■ Il-Fiera ta’ San Martin is being held on Sunday from 9am to 5pm on the Baħrija church grounds. A park and ride scheme is being provided free of charge. Drivers will be able to park their cars along the street leading to Baħrija on the left side of the road, as from the area known as tal-Fiddien. Transport vehicles will operate along the route. For more information, visit

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