
ATTARD. On August 14, at Mater Dei Hospital, MARIO, known as ‘ir-romblu yellow’ of Burmarrad, aged 68, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. 

He leaves to mourn his irreparable loss his beloved wife Barbara, his stepdaughters Lucy and Sally and their respective spouses, his six grandchildren, his brother George and his wife Hilda, his sister Doris and her husband Lino Gerada, nephews and nieces, other relatives and firends.

The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital on Thursday, August 17, at 8.45am, to the Qalb bla tebgħa ta’ Marija parish church, Burmarrad, where funeral Mass praesente cadavere will be said at 9.30am followed by internment in the family grave at the Addolorata cemetery.

No flowers by request but donations to the Malta Community Chest Fund would be greatly appreciated.

Lord, grant him eternal rest.

MICALLEF TRIGONA. On August 13, at Mater Dei Hospital, Dr ANTHONY MICALLEF TRIGONA, aged 90, passed away peacefully, comforted by the rites of Holy Church. He leaves to mourn his loss, his son Raphael and his wife Marisa, his daughter Angelica and her husband John Vassallo, his beloved grandsons, Luke, Sean and Adam, his sister-in-law Josephine and her husband Mario Padovani, his sister-in-law Elizabeth Messina Ferrante, his brother-in-law Frank Salt, nephews and nieces and their respective families, other relatives and friends.

The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital on Thursday, August 17, at 8am for St Gregory’s parish church, Sliema, where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 8.45am, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery.

No flowers by request but donations to Puttinu Cares would be appreciated.

Lord, grant him eternal rest.

Special thanks to the MAU1 staff at Mater Dei Hospital for their exceptional care, and heartfelt thanks to all the team at Simblija Care Home and especially the Butterfly Dementia Ward, for their constant dedication and loving care.

SCIRIHA. On August 13, JOAN aged 81, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her loss her son Ivan and his wife Rose, her daughter Michelle and her husband Ivan Pace Moore, her grandchildren Martine, Luke and Mikela, her sister Stella and her brother James, her nephews and nieces, other relatives and friends. Rest in peace.

The funeral leaves Mater Dei Hospital on Thursday, August 17, at 8am for St Dominic church, Rabat, where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 8.30am, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. No flowers by request but donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Siġġiewi, will be appreciated.

Lord, grant her eternal rest.

VASSALLO. On August 12, JOSEPH of Mosta, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 42. He will be deeply missed by his fiancée Anthea, his two sons Julian and Myles, together with his mother Catherine, his sisters Lucienne, Dorianne and her husband Johnmar, his niece Kristy, his nephews Luke and Jake, all his relatives and friends.

The funeral will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, August 16 at the Basilica of St Mary, Mosta, where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 3.30pm followed by interment at Mosta cemetery. The family would like to express their gratitude for the care and support shown during such difficult times.

Lord, grant him eternal rest.

In Memoriam

BORG. Loving and treasured memories of our dear parents, JOSEPH and ANTONIA, today the anniversary of their demise. Fondly remembered by Licia, Doris and Jane, in-laws, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Forever in our hearts and daily prayers. Lord, grant them eternal rest.

CESAREO. In memory of ANTOINE, a loving and caring husband, father and grandfather, on the 15th anniversary of his demise. Remembered and deeply missed by his wife Lilianne, Roberta, Romina and Michel, Adriana, Clara and Ramon and his grandchildren. Merciful Lord, grant him eternal rest.

GATT. In loving memory of ALBERT on the fifth anniversary of his death. A dear husband, a loving father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Maria and Robert, Elizabeth and John, Gilbert and Grace, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

GATT – LINA, née Samut. Very fond memories of a loving and helpful mother, grandmother and great-grandmother on the 33rd anniversary of her death. Her daughter Marie Therese and all the family.

GRECH-TRAPANI. Remembering our brother ANTHONY (Tony), today the third anniversary of his demise. His sisters Maria, Anna and Sylvana.

JOURDAN – MARIA née Saliba. On the third anniversary of her demise always remembered by her brothers and sisters Alphonse and Joe, Lilian, Tessie and Carmen.

MAZZONE. In loving memory of a dear husband and father Dott: LUIGI MAZZONE (Gigi) being the second anniversary since his passing to a better life. Remembered by his wife Lucia and daughter Gabriella. Also remembered by his cousins and many friends.

MICALLEF – EMMA MARIA. Treasured memories of a caring and devoted mother and nanna on the 21st anniversary of her being called to Our Lord. Deeply missed and so lovingly remembered by Rachelle and Martin, Emma, James and John. Forever in our hearts and prayers.

VELLA – ANTHONY. Treasured memories of a dear father and grandfather, especially today being the 29th anniversary of his demise. Remembering also our beloved MARY and MARIA, on the feast of Our Lady. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Connie and Edgar, Tanya, Martin, Robert and their families. Lord, grant them eternal rest.

ANNABELLE 15.8.2004 On the 19th anniversary on her passing away. Remembered by her mother Lucia, her father Alfred, her sister Cynthia Casha, dear relatives and friends. A Mass for the repose of her soul will be said today at 9.30am at St Sebastian parish church, Qormi. Lord, grant her eternal rest

Dearest RACHEL Today and always we cherish The memories of the life we shared Love you always Family

To my darling daughter RACHEL You are close to me, Within me Forever part of me in the memories we shared In the time defying bond I hold so dear And in the love and brightness You brought to my life Perhaps we disagreed on certain issues, but from beyond I suppose you now realize I only acted in good faith as your father. You might be out of sight But I feel you with me Infinitely close to me For I will carry you in my heart Always Wherever I am You still give me hope, and you have never ceased to lighten up my days and to somehow undarken the nights. Yes, my dear I still see you in your light green heavy jacket, silky curls tumbling on your shoulders, standing by the fridge smiling while looking for something to nibble, And that, Rachel, Will never change. George Barbaro Sant 

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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