Announcements – October 8, 2023

Today’s social and personal listings

October 8, 2023| Times of Malta 3 min read
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CASSAR. On October 5, at Mater Dei Hospital, THERESA (known as Tessie), of St Julian’s, aged 89, widow of Reno, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her loss her daughter Dr Doriette and her husband Dr Paul Soler, her grandsons Mark and Raphael and his wife Laura, her sister Evelyn Psaila, her in-law Lina Cassar, widow of John, nephews and nieces, other relatives and friends. The funeral leaves Mater Dei Hospital on Tuesday, October 10, at 8.30am, for St Julian’s parish church, where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 9am followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

Birthday greetings

With deep gratitude to God for the life of EVELYN CALLEJA, née Agius Ferrante, 100 years old today. Her daughters Marguerite, Anna and Maria Pia. A dedicated mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

In Memoriam

BONAVIA. In sweet remembrance of VINCENT HUGH (d. 14.10.89) and MARY (d. 22.9.96). Always in our hearts with love and gratitude. Hector and Carmelina, Jennifer and Denis and families.

DARMENIA – ANTHONY DARMENIA, Ph.C. Treasured memories of a dear father and grandfather on the 37th anniversary of his demise. Forever in our hearts and prayers. His family. Mass for the repose of his soul will be said on Thursday, October 12, at 6.30pm, at Balzan parish church.

HILI – ROSE. In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, today being the first anniversary of her demise. Remembered with love and gratitude by her children and their families. Today’s 9.45am Mass at Tal-Ibraġ parish church will be offered for the repose of her soul.

PERALTA. Loving, happy memories of LUCY on the 10th anniversary of her demise. Hugh, Christine and family.

Treasured and unfading memories of ETHELBERT ZAMMIT CORDINA on the second anniversary of his passing away. Deeply missed and forever loved by his wife Maria. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

In loving memory of Chief Justice Emeritus Dr CARMELO SCHEMBRI, LL.D. today the 26th anniversary of his passing on to eternal life to meet the Risen Lord. Deeply missed by his wife Helen, sons and daughters, their wives, husbands, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Always in our thoughts and prayers.

In loving memory of JOHN SCICLUNA on the ninth anniversary of his going to the Father’s house 20.10.1966 – 6.10.2014. Greatly missed by his mother Marlene, his brother Paul and his wife Nadine, his loving partner Angie and their children Matthew and Daniel, his nephews Nicholas and Marcus, aunts, uncles, cousins and other relatives and friends. Rest in peace. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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