The Convenience Shop has collected and donated €6,000 towards L-Istrina 2022 through its charity crowdfunding project.

The initiative was run through the sale of 2023 calendars, which were available for purchase at the shop’s 83 outlets spread in 48 locations across the islan, last December.

Priced at €0.25c each and intended for practicality, The Convenience Shop 2023 mini calendars feature a set of four designs, each embellished with positive-inspirational quotes from famous historic figures.

The generous sum of €5,500 was collected from the sale of these mini calendars.

Wilfred Camilleri, head of marketing of The Convenience Shop Group, explained: “Using our extensive network of retail shops spread across the nation to reach out as broadly as possible, we presented our customers with a convenient, inexpensive and practical product which has a good-feel factor about it and is in aid of those who are less fortunate within our community. We find ourselves ecstatic with the public’s heartfelt and strong response to our campaign in aid of L-Istrina.”

The directors of the company chose to top up the collected sum with a further €500, rounding the figure to a €6,000 donation which was presented to President George Vella by Camilleri and Andrew Attard, chief operations officer, on behalf of The Convenience Shop Group and all of its clients who contributed to L-Istrina 2022 for The Malta Community Chest Fund at San Anton Palace on January 18.

For more information, including shop locations, visit

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