Fact-checking Code of Principles

Times of Malta’s fact-checking service follows the code of principles established by the International Fact Checking Network.

January 3, 2023| Times of Malta 2 min read
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1.    A commitment to non-partisanship and fairness.

We fact-check claims using the same methods, rigour and critical approach, regardless of the source of the claim. We let the evidence dictate our conclusions. We do not advocate or adopt policy positions on the issues we fact-check.

2.    A commitment to standards and transparency of sources

We strive to use the best available primary sources of evidence, wherever possible, and to identify the sources of evidence in our fact checks, except in situations where doing so might compromise the security of sources. In such situations, we provide as much information as possible. We want our readers to be able to replicate our fact checks and we aim to make them as verifiable and replicable as possible.

3.    A commitment to transparency of funding and organisation

.We are transparent about our funding sources. Our funding has no bearing on the selection of claims to fact-check or on the conclusions. We clearly present our organisational structure, as well as the professional background of all key members of our fact-checking team.

4.    A commitment to standards and transparency of methodology.

We clearly explain the methodology we use to select, research, write, edit, publish and correct our fact checks. We assess claims solely on the merits of the evidence found and we present relevant evidence that appears to support the claim as well as that which undermines it. We encourage readers to submit claims to fact check and are transparent on why and how fact checks are selected.

5.    A commitment to an open and honest corrections policy.

We follow the Times of Malta’s corrections policy, which clearly outlines how minor and major corrections are handled and what steps are taken to ensure that correct and factual information is presented.

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