Family thanks donors for their help to reach funding target

Their fundraiser started hours after their father's tragic death.

February 3, 2020| Gordon Watson1 min read
From Left to Right: Nathan Camilleri, Nicole Camilleri and their friend Simone Bishop. Credit: Nathan CamilleriFrom Left to Right: Nathan Camilleri, Nicole Camilleri and their friend Simone Bishop. Credit: Nathan Camilleri

The Maltese-Australian siblings who raised funds to attend their father’s funeral in Malta, have thanked donors for helping them reach their target.  

Nicole and Nathan Camilleri took to social media to thank the donors who helped them raise the money needed to get them home to lay their father to rest. The money was raised in just over 24 hours. 

According to their GoFundMe fundraiser, the siblings managed to raise $10,153 by 4pm, just over the $10,000 (€6,033) Australian dollars they hoped to raise. Donations were received from 148 people and ranged from between $20 (€12) and $500 (€301) Australian dollars.

Posting just before their flight from Sydney Airport, the siblings thanked their donors for making the sudden trip back home possible.

“It's already been super, super hard to face what's already happened to come to terms with the fact that our beloved father isn't here anymore.

“Thank you so much to the people who have donated to the GoFundMe page as you have made this terrible time that little bit less stressful with funds and bills while we are away, I can't even begin to stress how much we appreciate it you all,” Nathan wrote.

The fundraiser had started only after hours after their father was tragically killed in a motorcycle and car collision on the Mistra Bridge in Xemxija, on Saturday afternoon. 

A collage of pictures of Mark Camilleri with his children Nicole and Nathan and grandchildren. Credit: Nicole Camilleri.A collage of pictures of Mark Camilleri with his children Nicole and Nathan and grandchildren. Credit: Nicole Camilleri.

The 46-year-old motorcyclist was hit by a vehicle driven a 49-year-old Lithuanian woman. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

The funds raised have gone towards helping transport the siblings, grandchildren and daughter-in-law to the funeral. 

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