Malta: a wild west country

Who would have thought, until some years ago, that Malta, in time, would be better compared to a wild west country instead of the island of sunshine and history? The Maltese are experiencing stories never heard before – killings à la wild west, driving under the influence of drugs, reports of domestic violence, tragic traffic accidents, fights between gangs in broad daylight, to name just a few.

Malta is no longer a safe place to live in – whether one is young or old. During the last 10 years of Labour administration, we have experienced seven different police commissioners with the latest, Angelo Gafá, vouching to be truly independent.

The scene of the Gzira murderThe scene of the Gzira murder

We have also experienced three different prison directors, with the latest, Robert Brincau, being given a suspended sentence for three years after being found guilty of pointing a gun at a medical representative. Brincau resigned out of his own free will when he should have been dismissed by Minister Byron Camilleri straightaway.

We have by now got used to some bad news almost on a daily basis. Now we are informed that, after a gang of adolescents beat up others in Valletta, Prime Minister Robert Abela has finally admitted that Malta is no longer safe.

This was followed by one of his usual poor declarations when he said he would not allow his 10-year-old daughter to roam the streets of Valletta on her own. To say the least, Abela should be ashamed of uttering such words.

First of all, a 10-year-old girl is still too young to be seen on her own in Valletta in the late hours. We all know that individual bad characters, whether Maltese or foreigner, better described as cowboys, are to be found everywhere and at all times. So better safe than sorry. However, the prime minister should see that everyone is safe in our country, immaterial of whose daughter one is.

We still remember the egoistic expression made by his former prime minister Joseph Muscat who had said that if one of his daughters was raped and became pregnant, he would be the first to suggest that she has an abortion.

Hypocrisy is the order of the day. Now, besides Camilleri, it’s the turn of the prime minister to be unfit for purpose.

Emily Barbaro-Sant – Mosta

Bernard Grech is beyond hope

Bernard Grech insists on pushing the limits of his incredibly surreal statements even further than he has already done! His latest gem was said at the Tarxien PN club on January 22.

The opposition leader blamed the government for the death of Jean Paul Sofia, at a construction collapse, and the atrocious killing of Pelin Kaya by a man who drove his car straight at her as she was walking home from her birthday party.

Grech was probably reacting to reports in the media that, during a meeting of the opposition parliamentary group, he asked each shadow minister to give him details of what they planned to do this year regarding their respective portfolio.

Instead, Grech was quizzed by them on how he intended to offer a much more determined leadership than he is doing at present.

So Grech may have thought that copying the conclusion of the three former judges’ inquiry report on Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder, wherein they pointed their fingers at the government for creating a climate of impunity which had led to her murder, would be an excellent idea.

It is probable that Grech’s incredibly surreal, silly statement has pleased the ultra-conservative “establishment” who were seen applauding him.

But those who still respect themselves, and who hate seeing their intelligence being insulted in such a way, must have again confirmed what they have known for quite some time now – that Grech is beyond hope.

Eddy Privitera – Naxxar

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