Updated 4.55pm, adds government statement

The Nationalist Party on Tuesday urged the government to consult the fishermen's cooperative on the allocation of the 44-tonne tuna quota allocated to Malta. 

The shadow minister for agriculture and fisheries, Toni Bezzina, said appeals by the Fishermen's Cooperative for consultation had so far fallen on deaf ears.

This attitude, he said reflected disrespect and stubbornness by the government.

Government's reply

In a reply, the government said the 44-tonne allocation, a record increase in the past three years, followed consultation with the sector. Two consultation meetings were announced only last week and the National Fisheries Cooperative was invited for further talks in the past days.

The government said it was committed to increasing tools for fishermen, encouraging investment and rewarding hard work. It was the government's priority to give young fishermen space and to acknowledge the work and sacrifice of many fishermen.


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