300g dried peeled chestnuts

200g sugar

60g cocoa powder

Cinnamon stick


Mixed spice

Rind of a Mandarin

30g Corn Flour

3 tbs fresh cream

  1. Wash and soak chestnuts overnight
  2. Drain and put chestnuts into a saucepan, add one litre of water, cinnamon, about 12 cloves, half a teaspoon mixed spices and grinded rind of a mandarin.
  3. Boil and simmer till chestnuts are cooked. 30 minutes before add cocoa powder.
  4. When done, break the chestnuts into small pieces with a large stainless steel spoon. Do not mash.
  5. Add sugar.
  6. Dilute corn flour and add to the sauce, thicken a bit.
  7. Serve hot in a tea cup or mug.


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