Sponsorship campaign assists two good causes

The Cut For Cash charity sponsorship campaign, conceived by Peter Edgson Wright, ended with the presentation of two cheques, each worth Lm566, to the Gozo CCU Monitors Foundation and Gozo SPCA at It-Tmun Restaurant, in Victoria. Carmen Bellamy, who...

June 30, 2006| Times of Malta 1 min read
Left to right, Carolyn Clements (SPCA), Peter Edgson Wright, Patrick Buttigieg (patron of It-Tmun Restaurant) and Carmen Bellamy (Gozo CCU Monitors Foundation).Left to right, Carolyn Clements (SPCA), Peter Edgson Wright, Patrick Buttigieg (patron of It-Tmun Restaurant) and Carmen Bellamy (Gozo CCU Monitors Foundation).

The Cut For Cash charity sponsorship campaign, conceived by Peter Edgson Wright, ended with the presentation of two cheques, each worth Lm566, to the Gozo CCU Monitors Foundation and Gozo SPCA at It-Tmun Restaurant, in Victoria.

Carmen Bellamy, who received the cheque on behalf of the Gozo CCU Monitors Foundation, said the foundation's aim is to replace the CCU monitors in the Gozo General Hospital cardiac unit with brand new up-to-date equipment.

Accepting the other cheque on behalf of the Gozo SPCA, Carolyn Clements said the costs of running the SPCA escalated this year with expenditure almost 100 per cent higher than that for 2005.

Those interested in homing a cat or a dog, donating money or helping the SPCA can do so by dialling 2155 3769 or by visiting www.spca-gozo.org.

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