“To touch the hearts of your students and inspire them with the Christian Spirit is the greatest miracle you can perform.” This is one of the first quotations I encountered by St John Baptist De La Salle, founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
Although already a priest, he was unexpectedly called by God to launch a whole new type of religious order of men in the Church: a community of teaching Brothers who would devote their lives to teaching children, especially the underprivileged. De La Salle’s response was a sheer act of faith and a progressive life journey that resulted in one of the largest educational charisms in the Church.
As a Christian teacher who approached the task of education passionately and methodically, De La Salle sets a perfect example for educators today.
He was born into a wealthy family in Reims, France. His father held a high-ranking position in the royal court, while his mother came from a prominent influential family of wine brewers. After their death, he sold his inheritance and gave the money to the poor.
His willingness to give up his earthly possessions echoed the Lord’s exhortation: “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Mk. 10, 21)
In an environment where academic success and career progression exceed many other worries, it is our mission as educators to remind students of what matters more in life. Rather than put pressure on them to do well in exams, why not discuss ways in which they can contribute back to society after their studies?
Rather than put pressure on them to do well in exams, why not discuss ways in which they can contribute back to society after their studies?
De La Salle was aware of the many peasants who lived in slums and did not have the means to send their children to school. He became deeply concerned by the children’s financial and spiritual poverty, and pledged to bring up these young people.
As educators, let us also keep in mind that our students come from many different backgrounds. The differentials in aptitude and attitudes among them are largely due to the wide spectrum of family, health and financial situations. Regardless of their circumstance, they need our attention, care and guidance in order to overcome the barriers they face to attain their potential in life. De La Salle did not change things overnight.
Through his first pastoral post as the spiritual director of the Sisters of the Holy Infant Jesus, who ran an orphanage for young girls, he was encouraged to set up a similar institution for boys. Thus, with the help of a lay teacher Adrien Nyel, he founded a school. Following its success, more were set up in the diocese, and De La Salle recruited more teachers to his cause.
Upon seeing the severity of the problem, De La Salle did not allow himself to become discouraged. Instead, he took small steps towards a larger goal. De La Salle’s example reminds us to take things one step at a time, address issues systemically, tap resources made available to us, and leave the seemingly impossible to God.
Being the eldest child of a well-to-do family, De La Salle had the privilege of a quality education. His parents groomed him academically, sending him to study at the College des Bons Enfant, where he received a Master of Arts in 1669.
He entered the Seminary of St Sulpice and read theology at the College of Sorbonne. His learning continued even after his priestly ordination in 1678, when he was awarded a doctorate in theology.
Despite his impressive academic achievements, De La Salle remained humble and persisted in his learning journey. When he embarked on his education mission, he needed to learn how to run a school, how to connect to street youth, and how to recruit and manage teachers. Like De La Salle, we cannot be complacent with our knowledge. To improve ourselves as effective mentors to students, we must constantly be on the lookout for opportunities to acquire new skills and perspectives.
De La Salle wanted to ensure that students truly understood what they were learning. Against the norm of the times, he decided that his institutions would teach subjects in French, instead of Latin. He analysed the academic potential and capabilities of his students and refrained from imposing unrealistic demands on them. He met them where they were and taught in a language they could understand.
To be effective educators, let us adopt patience and empathic understanding. How can we meet our students at a level where we can better connect with them and make learning more productive and enhanced?
On May 15, 1950, Pope Pius XII declared St John Baptist De La Salle patron saint of all teachers of youth. So today, as we celebrate De Le Salle’s life and legacy, let us relive the joy of our vocation and remember that our words and actions, ordinary as they may seem at times, have the potential of touching our students in more ways than one.