These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta leads with a Central Bank report that noted a discrepancy between rental property prices on Facebook and those registered with the Housing Authority.

The newspaper also gives prominence to a report that found a surge in antibiotic use following a pandemic lull has pushed prescription of the drugs to a 10-year high.

The Malta Independent leads with foreign news, reporting that Israeli airstrikes on Gaza resumed on Friday following a weeklong truce with Hamas.

The newspaper also reports on new laws for rental properties that will cap the maximum number of tenants per property at six.

In-Nazzjon leads with a headline describing the country’s justice system as one “in crisis”, following a PN press conference on the subject.

The newspaper also notes a meeting between PN leader Bernard Grech and George Hyzler, who now serves on the European Court of Auditors.

L-Orizzont leads with news about new laws for rental properties, announced on Friday. The newspaper also gives prominence to Robert Abela at the COP28 summit being held in Dubai.

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