Tiffin Girls’ School Senior Choir is to give a concert at St Dominic’s Basilica in Valletta on Saturday, July 1, at 7pm. Tiffin Girls’ School is a selective school in Kingston upon Thames, southwest London; it moved from voluntary aided status to become an academy in 2011.

The Tiffin Girls’ School Senior Choir is drawn from students in the upper four years of the school. Many are also excellent instrumentalists who come together on a weekly basis to sing a wide repertoire.

In the past few years, when live performance opportunities were restricted due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the choir were active in establishing a series of online virtual events and multi-track recordings as part of the school’s community. Members of the choir have more recently appeared in musical theatre productions, carol services at local churches and regular large-scale events at school. They also sange at a Coronation service for King Charles III in May.

Other concerts are to be given at St Margaret parish church in Sannat on Sunday at 7.45pm and at Our Lady of Sorrows parish church, St Paul’s Bay, on Monday at 6.45pm. Entrance to the recitals is free.

The choir’s visit is being made possible through the initiative of the John Paul II Foundation (JP2), in collaboration with the Dominican friars of Valletta.

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