A showcase has been inaugurated at the National Library in Valletta to display and preserve the document by which Emperor Charles V of Spain handed Malta to the Knights of St John in 1530.

The showcase was donated by Bank of Valletta and marks the start of five years of activities leading to the 500th anniversary of that historic decision, which was a turning point in Malta's history. 

The embassy of Spain to Malta, Spanish insurance group Mapfre, Heritage Malta, Malta Public Libraries and the Knights of Malta are all involved in the initiative.

The signed document by Charles V is being displayed with a facsimile of the Salinas manuscript, donated by the Spanish Embassy, recounting the emperor's decision to grant the Maltese islands. Also on display is a letter by Pope Clement VII to Grand Master L-Isle Adam asking him to decide whether the Order would accept Malta.  

The run-up to the anniversary will include a series of cultural activities, exhibitions, lectures and research projects.  

The new display structure was inaugurated by Culture Minister Owen Bonnici. 

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