The WSC is investing €3 million in the renovation of a Naxxar reservoir, fixing a chronic leak and replacing the ageing concrete roof structure and internal supporting columns.

The Water Services Corporation said the critical infrastructural project aimed at enhancing the reliability and safety of the nation's water supply system. The project formed part of a larger initiative to renovate the island's critical assets such as the Luqa and Naval reservoirs.

The Naxxar reservoir was built in 1938 and still serves as a crucial part of Malta's water infrastructure. Renovation kicked off on Wednesday with works including the replacement of the roof and all structural elements while retaining the existing historical perimeter wall.

Aerial shot of the Naxxar reservoir. Photo: WSCAerial shot of the Naxxar reservoir. Photo: WSC

Phase one is projected to span eight weeks. Until then the Naxxar reservoir will be temporarily decommissioned.

To ensure the continuity of the water supply, the central part of the Island will be directly serviced from the Ta' Qali reservoirs.

"Customers may experience low water pressure during the first eight weeks of the operation. However, WSC has instituted comprehensive measures to ensure that the water quality remains uncompromised," the corporation said.

"We remain steadfast in our commitment to upholding the highest standards of water quality and service for our esteemed customers," WSC CEO Karl Cilia added.

"This project underscores our dedication to infrastructure excellence and our proactive stance in securing a sustainable water future for Malta."

Solar panels with a peak capacity of 600kWp will eventually be installed across an area of 3,000 square metres.

More information here or on 8007 6400.

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