The Green Party said it is ready to call for an abrogative referendum to annul any laws that protect abuse in the public sector.
The announcement came on Saturday during a press conference held by ADPD’s chairperson Sandra Gauci and Secretary General Ralph Cassar outside Parliament.
The party’s stance followed after Prime Minister Robert Abela said the government would be protecting civil service and government entity workers from being taken to court in their personal capacity.
Cassar criticised Abela’s proposal, stating Abela was “waving goodbye to accountability and good governance.”
“The reason for such an announcement is obvious. It is because of calls for the investigation into numerous allegations of public officials in various Ministries, following inaction by the police,” Cassar said.
“There are Permanent Secretaries and other public officials that are currently being investigated for alleged criminal misconduct or for closing a blind eye to alleged criminal acts that they were duty-bound to prevent.”
He said legal protections are unnecessary if no misconduct has occurred and that the courts already provide the necessary protection at law.
“The push for such changes signals an attempt to shield proven wrongdoing,” he added.
Cassar said if Abela’s proposal is approved, it would normalise defending criminal acts in the public sector. He called for transparency and vigilance over the draft law, which has yet to be published.
Chairperson Sandra Gauci said the party is opposing any measure that allows public sector abuse.
“Abuse of public office is the abuse of democracy,” she said.
“Abuse of public office is a betrayal of the national interest, and we cannot stand idly by while the Prime Minister seeks to dismantle accountability and good governance.”
She said ADPD is prepared to use its legal right to call for an abrogative referendum if necessary and is ready to fight for accountability and good governance.
Gauci extended the invitation to other organisations to join their campaign against the abuse of power in the public sector.
“Accountability is everybody’s responsibility. Every single individual in authority is responsible for their own actions. Accountability is not only for politicians. We must be ready to fight abuse in the public sector”, concluded Gauci.