
BORG. On June 16, STEPHEN NICHOLAS, aged 82, comforted by the rites of Holy Church. He leaves to mourn his great loss, his wife Maureen, his children Nicholas and his wife Saki, Andrew and his wife Debbie, Laura and Kate, his nine grandchildren Ernest, Freddy, Leila, Luke, Millie, Mary, Julia, Rebecca and Beatrice, his sisters Greta, Diana and her husband Richard, Nathalie and Norman, nephews and nieces, relatives and friends, faithful helpers Ninu, Silvia and Tiziana. Mass præsente cadavere will be celebrated tomorrow, Thursday, June 20, at 9am at St Julians parish church, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

SCERRI. On June 17, MAY, née Restall, aged 99, widow of Godfrey, former teacher at St Joseph School Sliema, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy church. She leaves to mourn her great loss her sons John and his wife Anna and James and his wife Therese, her beloved grandchildren Analise, Andrew, Alan, Lara and Ian and their respective spouses and partners, her great-grandchildren Cruz, Mathilda, Chloe, Jack, Marina, Emma, Amelia and Oliver, relatives and friends. Funeral mass praesente cadavere will be celebrated tomorrow, Thursday, June 20, at 9.30am at Stella Maris parish church in Sliema, followed by interment at Santa Maria Addolorata cemetery. May the Lord grant her eternal rest.

In Memoriam

BONELLO GHIO. In ever loving memory of LOUIS on the 21st anniversary of his passing away. Always in our hearts and forever missed. His only daughter Helena and his beloved grandsons Philip, Christopher and Nicholas. Requiescat in pace.

STELLINI. Remembering always SALV J. who died one year ago today. So much missed, especially the laughter. May he rest in the peace of the Lord. Lucinda, Lexi and Tom, Luke, Chloe, Otis and Cassia.

PAULINE M. BUTTIGIEG (February 14, 1940 - June 19, 2020). Treasured and fondest memories of a much loved and dearest wife, mother and grandmother on the fourth anniversary of her meeting with the Good Lord. Always in our hearts and prayers. Your beloved husband Joseph D, children Bryan and Patricia, Jonathan and Gertrude, grandchildren Douglas, Robyn, Rachel and Rebecca, relatives and friends. May God grant her peace and eternal rest.

In everlasting memory and love of our dear GUNNEL VASSALLO, née OLSSON who was taken away from us for her eternal rest 21 years ago on June 19. Please think of her and pray with us. Her husband John, her children Henrik, Christina and Gustav, their spouses and children, her brother Christer and family as well as her friends in Sweden, Belgium and Malta.

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