Announcements − June 30, 2024
Today's social and personal listings

CASSAR WHITE. On June 6, Dr LOUIS CASSAR WHITE, aged 62, passed away peacefully. He leaves to mourn his loss his daughter Jasmine, his son Richard, his wife Ludmyla, his brothers and sister, relatives and friends. Mass to celebrate his life will be said at the Divine Mercy Sanctuary, San Pawl tat-Tarġa, Naxxar, on Tuesday, July 2 at 9.30am, followed by interment at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. Lord, keep him in your care.
MONTAGUE. MARIA (née Felice Pace), widow of Bernard, died peacefully at Mater Dei Hospital on June 29 comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her loss her daughter Patricia and her husband David Vassallo, her son John and his wife Christine, née Portelli, her grandchildren Andrea, Rowena, Holly, Sam, partners, relatives and friends.The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital on Wednesday, July 3, for the parish church of Santa Marija in Attard, where a funeral Mass to pray for the repose of her soul will be offered at 9am, followed by interment at Attard cemetery. God grant her eternal rest.
Requiem Mass
Tomorrow being the trigesima die since the demise of CECILIA BORG, a Mass for the repose of her soul will be said at 6.30pm at Tal-Ibraġ parish church. The attendance of relatives and friends will be appreciated.
In Memoriam
BONETT – MARY. Loving and unfading memories of a dear mother and grandmother on the 16th anniversary of her call to eternal rest. You were an exemplary mother and grandmother, patient and forgiving, always there for others in the good and in the bad times. Your daughters Stephanie and Bernard, Josianne and Lawrence and grandsons Francesco and Matteo.
CURMI – GEORGE M., 30.6.2012. In loving memory of our dear father, grandfather and great-grandfather, GEORGE on the 12th anniversary of his passing to eternal life. Please join us in remembering him in your prayers. His children Ann, Michael, Margaret, Robert, Julian and Stephen and all his family.
CURMI. In memory of GEORGE, my most beloved father, on the 12th anniversary of his calling to eternal life. Also fondly remembered by his grandsons Simon and his wife Michelle and their children Sebastian, Jeremy and Alyssa, and Michael and his wife Erica and their children Alexander and Edward. Dear Lord, please keep him and my dear mother Rose in your loving care as you alone have the words of eternal life. Margaret.
NAUDI. In loving memory of MARIO on his 44th anniversary tomorrow. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Malcolm, Steven, James and their families.
SAID PULLICINO – PHILIP. On the 20th anniversary of his demise. Lovingly remembered by his wife Lizette, Daniel, Maria, Veronica and their families.
SAMMUT. In loving memory of our father GEORGE, today the 40th anniversary of his death. Always thankful for your wit, your wisdom and your solid principles. Cikki, Austin and Rita, Julian and Karen.
In loving memory of ALFRED BORG on the fifth anniversary of his passing away to eternal life. Deeply missed and fondly remembered by his beloved wife Carmen, his daughters Clare and her husband Edward, Celia and her husband Edward, his dearest grandchildren Martina, Julia, Michaela and Tom. Lord, grant him eternal rest.
To Thank
Yvonne Delia, her sister Phyllis Muscat, together with in-laws, Marianne Delia and Emily Delia, and all nephews and nieces and their families would like to thank Mgr. Etienne Sciberras, parish priest of St Gregory the Great parish, Sliema, and all those who attended the funeral Mass, made donations or sent cards, or in any way showed sympathy on the sad passing of dear ANNIE DELIA who went to meet the Risen Lord on June 9, 2024. May the Lord grant her eternal rest. A requiem Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, July 6, at 6.30pm, at St Gregory the Great parish church, Sliema.
To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail