The annual penitential pilgrimage with the effigy of the Ecce Homo revered at St Dominic parish church, Valletta, will be held tomorrow. The liturgical service starts with rosary at 5.45pm, followed by mass. The jubilee pilgrimage, along the streets of Valletta, starts from St Dominic parish church at 7pm. Back to the church, the pilgrimage will be followed by benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Devotion to the Ecce Homo image was already strong at the beginning of the 17th century. In fact, the effigy was already revered at the old church, prior to the present one. Proof of this were the many devotional offerings made by parishioners, including money and precious items. It is believed that the effigy dates back to the time of the Knights of St John in Malta.

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